Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Artist spotlight - Odd Nerdrum
born in Hälsingborg, Sweden in 1944, I would characterize Odd Nerdrum as a true genius, a master painter of the human body and a true humanist. A great Kitsch painter! His paintings reach the souls of humanity. His paintings are a universal language. His paintings feel alive. He paints life and death for all to see.
The Nerdrum Institute
Google image search for Odd Nerdrum
Wikipedia link
Sunday, December 26, 2010
i draw almost daily from this site-- using their 30 second poses (which has a timer and can also do 60 second, 90 seconds, etc) -- and it randomly chooses male/female poses
This site also has resources for drawing hands/heads (you can rotate the model in the web viewer, too!)
and finally-- this is available on the iPhone as a free app!
timed poses link:
random pose viewer:
3D model viewer (choose from models on the Right side):
Negative space model viewer:
Saturday, December 25, 2010
New 'Facebook page' for Chad W Greene
i have created a new Facebook page, to be used for promoting my artwork (and to provide updates, info, etc)
Here is a link to view this:
Click the 'Like' button on the Facebook page to receive info, updates, etc.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Artist Spotlight - Andrew (android) Jones
Andrew has also been traveling the world, experiencing different cultures and creating awesome artwork along the way! in addition to his own work, he finds time to teach workshops, post demo's online of his techniques (which have influenced thousands of artist's, including myself) and he does live painting at clubs and events-- while the DJ spins the music (and he states that the music and people influence the final piece)
Andrew Jones website
Google image search of his work: Andrew Jones
if you are involved in creating digital art (or just like to be inspired watching a very creative person in action!) check out these training videos-- HIGHLY recommended! -- LINK to videos
you can also find him posting live on the community site, (which i'll be giving a 'shout out' to very soon in other post-- as it's one of the best art sites out anywhere!)
Friday, December 17, 2010
Artist Spotlight - Richard Schmid
he's been an inspiration to me for 15 yrs or more (when i first discovered him).. everything he creates is full of life/energy.. such amazing knowledge of color, masterful brushstrokes, etc.. my words just won't do his work justice.. see for yourself if you haven't already!, what i would give to study with such as master!?! :)
link to his website:
link to DVD's: highly recommended (i own 6 of them-- very useful):
google image search of his work: Google image
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Figure studies #01
(click the image to view a larger version)

below is a YouTube video that shows the process of creating this image (click to play)
note: this video was sped up 2.5x for playback purposes
Just as athletes and or skilled professionals, artist's (musicians, dancers, actors, etc) must practice their craft to get better. Artist's have long used figure drawing studies as a way of training the hand/eye coordination needed (in all aspects of fine art);
during art school, we would spend hours in class drawing/painting from live models.. once we graduate, it gets harder to find this much needed means of training (you have to find art associations, attend workshops, etc) or draw from reference books. portrait artist's will hire models to pose for them live at their studios-- but this takes money and the initiative to make this commitment.
at my company, Volition-- we are fortunate, at times, to have weekly figure drawing classes (5-8pm) once a week, in which we hire a local model that comes in to our office. (i'll post some sketches from these classes at some point)
anyway-- as for me, i try and find time to practice, at least 3-4 days a week-- drawing from reference books, etc.. i plan on posting these studies here for you to view.. most of my studies are 45 second and 60 second poses (nothing longer than 90 seconds) -- and this is great practice for studying weight/form, etc.. these studies are done both digitally and in my sketchbook using mostly pencil (although i will use ink washes, charcoal, etc.. as well)
more to come-- check back!
Blog title changed
the reason being that i have been reading a lot of articles/ediorials and talking to others about the importance of building your identity as YOURSELF.. and i want my artwork to be synonymous with Chad W Greene and not Artsy Fartsy
nevertheless-- it's still ME! :)
i have also registered a website: and i'm the process of building it up to be focused on my fine art exclusively (it won't have my illustrations or professional CG work) and will be used on business cards and communication with galleries, collectors, etc.. stay tuned for that!
'Inside the studio' -- art studio pics
Here are a few pics of my art studio.. (more to come-- i plan on taking a 360 pano pic as well)
size of studio is approx 12x24 and has a bathroom/sink as well

(Above) one view of the corner of my studio; you can see the
painting, 'Cherries' on the easel

(above) misc props on my shelf

(Above) just finished this painting, 'Peppers,' mixed media, 18x24

above - 'tools of the trade' (oils and oil pastels)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Artist Spotlight - Feng Zhu
He also started his own design school -- which has tons of good information/training, etc.. i especially want to point you to his videos, which are streamed from YouTube, in which he discusses student works and how to make them better..
check out his artwork/portfolio here:
check out his design school here:
check out his YouTube training/insight videos here:
Friday, December 10, 2010
New Artwork: "Embracing our differences" - by Chad Greene
(click the below image to see a larger sized version)

"Embracing our differences" - by Chad Greene
i have been working on this particular piece for about a month (at nights, on weekends, etc) -- and i'm really excited over the results-- i may be on to something! As with most expressionist pieces, it started out very sub-conscious-- just laying down color/values.. then it started to take shape/form.. somewhere in the creation process i started seeing figures emerge and worked on bringing meaning to the central part of the image (figure embracing other shapes). i particularly like the amount of texture and how it works with the shapes and color.. and how each area of the image gives the eye something to rest upon and study.
i had a lot of fun working on this--- sort of 'art therapy' for me, since it's so different from my usual style(s) and from my 'day job!' working on computers all day, making video games!
stay tuned for more! ..and thanks for viewing!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
The making of artwork, 'Serenity' by Chad Greene (project overview)

"Serenity" -- by Chad Greene
Recently i was asked about how to use Maya Paint effects to generate foliage in 3D (trees, grass, plants, flowers, etc..) so i referenced this project that i did a few years ago. i won't go into too many technical details and settings here (contact me if you are interested) but i will show some images that show the process of creating this artwork.
This image was done using Maya, After Effects, Photoshop and Deep Paint 3D and it was done in about a month
** click on any of the images to see a larger, more detailed view/image
Initial Layout
this image (below) shows the initial layout curves and main geometry (which is stand in geometry for the moment).
you can see that i was trying to define the curves and shape of the river and the dirt path with these curves.

once the curves were drawn and i liked where they were flowing (from the camera's point of view), i then created a poly plane primitive and subdivided it many times. I used the sculpt polygon tool (Maya) to get the shape of the terrain to be what i wanted.
Here are a couple of images which show the scene being developed.. and first pass (very rough) textures being applied -- just to get a sense of color and feel. (the water was just a reflective plane at this point, too)

Once the terrain was acceptable-- i moved on to modeling the buildings and major props. All of these objects were 'box modeled' using Maya. (note: i only added details where it was needed and based this on the objects distance from the camera/viewer) i also used displacement maps for the stonework on the house and the chapel-- so the wire frame geo was kept low res, for poly count issues.

Here's the boat geometry and stages of development:

Organics/foliage (using Paint Effects in Maya)
The hardest part of this piece was the grass and misc foliage such as plants, trees, flowers, etc.. -- because of high polygon counts that they caused! all of the grass and flowers totaled over 12 million polygons! (and that is NOT counting the trees!) because of this, i had to render out sections of foliage and later comp then together in after effects.
Below is an animated gif -- that shows some sections and grass and how it was split up into separate layers/renders:
(click this image below to watch as the foliage is composited to 'grow')
For rendering, i wanted to use Mental Ray-- so i had to convert all of the foliage into polygons (because the default Paint Effects nodes will not render otherwise). here are some images which show the wireframe and the rendered out foliage:

(Above) I created many different types of flowers-- for color and shape variation
(Below) Here are some examples of polygonal grass-- and how it looks when you 'grow' of plot of it

These were some of the shrubs that i created

As for the trees: they were created with software called Xfrog (great software, by the way!-- for trees, etc). i created the trees and placed them around the 3D scene.. and i rendered them out in sections (5-8 trees at a time) and then later composited them in the final scene.

Water dynamics and rendering
As for the water-- i first studied how fluid dynamics worked on a simple plane (Maya).. and then i applied what i learned to the river geometry in my scene.. (i also added the rocks and the river bank as collision geo for the simulation to properly calculate the ripples and waves) I then used a modified ocean shader for the material of the water.

Maya Scene file
..and finally, here's the environment wire files.. (note: i'm not including the trees, etc.. because most of the work for that involved comping effects and post painting to complete the look)
[The images below were screen captured from Maya's hardware shaded view]

As for the rendering/lighting: it was done in Maya, using Mental Ray. One key light source (sun) was in the scene and all of the bounce lighting came from indirect illumination using a sky dome with sunset colors. Environment fog was used as well to give the scene some atmospheric haze/depth.
Post Painting: i used Photoshop to add the birds in the sky (painted by hand) and also added a slight amount of film grain to the overall image to reduce some of the sharpness.
Final image (click to see larger image)

..Thanks for your time!
Chad Greene-- aka 'Artsy Fartsy'

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
still life - "Jar of Peppers"
i really am liking the software, Art Rage-- for it's natural media oil paints. I am using these oils in combination with the palette knife to create a really thick, impasto looking result.
This painting was then printed 18x24 on canvas, matte medium and sculpting paste was applied.. and then oil paint and oil pastels were applied over the print.
i'll post 'work in progress' images soon.. and even go over some tip/techniques on achieving this look-- stay tuned!
Click on the images below to see a higher resolution image

Artist spotlight - Jon Foster
Here is a link to his website:
Here is a link to Amazon, where you can purchase his book (which i have owned for a few years now-- highly recommended!): Revolution: The Art of Jon Foster
Monday, November 22, 2010
Artist Spotlight - John Kenn
very well done, such detail-- love how he depicts 'monsters' !
thanks for the inspiration, John!

Sunday, November 21, 2010
Artist spotlight - Malcolm T. Liepke
He is definitely one of my personal favorite artist's of all-time!
here is a link to his work featured at Arcadia Fine Art:
Malcolm's work on Eleanor Ettinger Gallery:
Here is an interactive collage of some of his work:
..good article/review/interview on Southwest Art:
if you are on Facebook-- here is a link to his Home:!/pages/Malcolm-Liepke/129846273723427
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Art Rage -- portrait videos (Ray Tsang)
until then-- i came across this very talented artist, Ray Tsang, who is using it for portraits

click on this link to view the video (you may need a Facebook account):!/video/video.php?v=460159932413
Here is a portrait he did using Corel Painter 11:!/video/video.php?v=423192617413
Here is a link to a forum in which he shows additional portraits:
UPDATE/NEW: Here is a link to his blog:
Artist spotlight - Craig Mullins
i had the pleasure of working with him on 2 James Bond games (Agent under fire and Goldeneye: Rogue Agent) -- he did various matte paintings, concepts, etc..

check out his website-- he showcases both traditional and digital paintings:
Ballistic Publishing Grand Master interview:
here's a video collage of his work on the Marathon trilogy:
Friday, November 19, 2010
Artist spotlight - Carol Marine
here is a link to her blog:
here is a link to her website:
i purchased her book (and recommend it!), available through

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
i also entered my work into a call for submissions at a gallery in Danville, IL.. the theme was 'shoes' and i had a painting that i did back in '91 that i dug up.. and re-touched (oils).. i entered it for consideration and it was accepted! Opening night exhibition was this past Friday night and the event went great-- met a lot of people, including a few local artist's.
in my studio, i am actively working on a lot of things! (still lifes, portraits and landscapes) i'm also working on designing a new web site, that will showcase just my fine art (i want to separate my fine art from my professional work, illustration, etc..)
the new site will be:
anyway-- i'll post pics soon (of the gallery work, etc)
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
i was recently traveling to promote the game (LA, San Diego and Germany) -- and i'll post some links to photos from those press trips-- stay tuned!
i am also working on a new website, specifically to show my 'fine art'
..and finally, i'm working on a FALL art show-- and i have a lot of artwork to post/share (stay tuned)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Digital impasto (head study #3)

click HERE to view a time lapse workflow process of this piece
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Odd Head study #2

This is another digital head study i did, using Corel Painter 11
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Odd head #1 (details/process)
Odd Head study #1

One of my favorite artist's is Odd Nerdrum.. i own a few of his over-sized Art books and have always been fascinated by his style/technique (along with his subject matter)
recently, i wanted to replicate his technique in Painter 11.. i started out by spending a lot of time learning the Impasto brushes inside and out-- to the point where i modified them to create my own unique variants.. and then i created a Custom palette with my own brushes.. i spent several weeks created abstract paintings, getting really comfortable with the behaviors, etc.. and then decided to use my learning to create a figurative study of one of his works.
so, over the course of 2 weekends-- i created this (total time approx 22hrs)
If you use/know Painter 11-- i mainly used Thick Oil brushes (modified), Grainy chalk (modified to act as Impasto), various palette knives.. a modified Sargant brush that just applies Impasto and i constantly switch between paper variants (these affect the tooth of the paper)
i plan on creating more of these studies in the future.. i had a lot of fun and learned a ton about creating a digital impasto look!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Art Rage!
I've been using the software Painter user since it came out (and i'm an expert at using it)--- the recent version, Painter 11 has some good tools and i still use it for my 'fine art/digital paintings'
today i decided to download a trial of Art Rage 3 Pro--- after using it for 2 hours, i bought the full version, for an incredible price of $80 bucks!!?!
i spent almost ALL of today using it-- having a blast!! the final art media is incredibly realistic.. and it's easy to use! i love how the canvas utilizes my full Cintiq screenspace.. and the tools are easily hidden. the canvas papers react very well to the media (and look so real!) and they have this new feature that allows you to 'spray paint' on stickers! (which can be done is a cheesy way-- or done with some style and power-- ala using actual Photoshop .abr brushes!)
here is a link to the software:
try it out! you'll be very surprised at how powerful this software is!
I will also be updating this to reflect what i'm up to-- work, personal, etc.
so.. please visit and say hello! :)
Artsy Fartsy